Until the end of July, this course is $50 (50%) off!
In the past couple of months, our lives have changed irrevocably. A novel virus has us slowing down as a global species and bringing most of our energy back to our home fronts, at least for a time. With this in mind, I've decided to start offering an online class as excerpts taken from our upcoming video, Dirt Simple: How We Built an Earthbag Tiny House for Under $1500.
By purchasing this class, you will receive a weekly lesson, taken from our September 2019 earthbag tiny house build. You will be sent a link to the exclusive video files, and when the Dirt Simple DVD and Blu-ray are finished, folks in the continental US will able to choose which format they'd like (or a download link if you don't want or need a disc) and subscribers living elsewhere in the world will be sent a link for a high-quality download of the completed video. This instructional video will be done by October as that's when our Mother Earth News article on our tiny house building techniques will be released. We will also have a monthly zoom meeting available for those who have any questions.
For those who would like to take this course but are especially financially challenged right now, let me know and we can work something out. Click here to subscribe to this class in weekly installments of $5. After ten payments you will be paid up and a DVD or Blu-ray (for those in the continental US) or a download link for those in other parts of the world will be sent when the video is finished.
My goal for some time has been to build houses that don't take any extra energy expenditure to stay comfortable and that can use natural forces for most of their needs. This is a great opportunity to start learning about practical application of these ideas.